lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

5º Fast food stall and Collin the poet sketches

Students in 5th grade rehearsed and then performed two sketches. One was The Fast Food Stall and the other Collin, the poet. Some could learn their parts and do it without paper others use their papers but all of them are really good actors. Congratulations!

Los estudiantes en 5º de primaria practicaron y luego representaron dos sketches. Uno era El puesto de comida rápida y el otro Collin, el poeta. Algunos pudieron aprenderse sus partes y hacerlo sin papel, otros usaron el papel pero todos son muy buenos actores. !Felicidades!


Adrián, Paula, Senda, Mateo, Julia
Israel, Jon, Noa, Lizer


Sheila, Martina, Candela, Delia, Samuel
Ulla, Sheila, Leonel, Sergio, Martín


 Santi, Rubén, Yago, Hugo C., Nico
Blanca, Laura, Rodrigo, Patricia, Lucia, Leyre, Mateo

sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

3º Primaria Teacher drama play 2019-2020

Dear families and students,

Our students in 3rd Grade performed these drama plays  in Talking time classes. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Queridas familias
Los estudiantes de 3º realizaron estas obras de teatro en  clases de comunicación oral en inglés. Espero que las disfrutéis .

3º A
Guille, Adrian
Noa, Juan
Paula, Eder, Adrian
Gara , Leyre
Abraham , Paula
Alejandro, Aitor
Alicia, Uxia
Paula, Abraham

Valeria, Martina
Diego, Diana
José, Eneko
Nahia, Adriana
Diego, Erik
Enrique, Carlos
Franyelis, Gael
Hugo, Mario
Maria, Sofia, Emma

Maria, Teresa and Alex 
 Alicia , Carmen 
Jimena, Lucia
Santi, Martín
Fatima, Omar
Jimena, Lucia
Martín, Rachel

3º Primaria. There's an Alligator under My Bed 2019-2020

After watching and commenting this story,the students from 3rd grade performed a short drama play about the story. Here are the videos:

Después de ver y comentar esta historia, los estudiantes de 3º representaron esta pequeña obra de teatro sobre la historia. Aquí van los videos:


Leyre, Paula, Adrian, Adina, Aitor 3ºA
Juan, Alicia, Alejandro, Adina, Martina
Guille, Yago, Abraham, Lucia, Gara
Valeria, Adrian, Eder, Noa


Enrique, Africa, Diego , Emma 3ºB:// 
 Diana, Franyelis, Adriana, Mario, Abraham 3ºB://
Eneko, Erik, José ,Gael, Diego3ºB:// 
María, Carmen, Enrique, Alejandro
Nahia, Carlos, Sofia, María


Acher, Kassandra, Teresa3ºC://  
Omar, Fatima, Lucia, Iker
 Rachel, Santi, Martín, Jimena

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020

4º Primaria. At the restaurant

The 4th grade students learnt vocabulary and expressions about food, recipes... in Literacy and then they learnt vocabulary and expressions at the restaurant. We rehearsed and then performed these drama plays at the restaurant. Here are the videos:

Ayana, Iván, Izan
Ayana, Enol, Daniela
Carla,Iván, Omar , Martina
Carlota, Jorge, Neva, Laura
Iván, Marcos, Lara, Claudia, Fiorella
Laura, Sire, Mario, Seba
Martina, Adriana, Alexandra, Rodrigo, Carla
Carlota, Noara
Noara, Sire, Carlota, Isabel
Unai, Alex, Noara

Lizara, Hugo, German
Daniela, Julieta, Pedro, Fran
Nora, Diego, Alonso, Sergiu
Diego, Lizara, Jorge, Saray
Fran, Adriana, Leily , Jaded
German, Elsa, Daniela, Nora
Hugo, Alonso, Sergiu, Diego
Lizara, Jorge, Saray

Nico ,Guille, Elena,Ezequiel
Samuel,Salah, Carolina, Pedro
Pepe, Esther, Berta
Pedro, Saray, Nico, Samuel
Nico, Samuel,Saray
Dani, David, Guille, Mario
David, Gaia, Nora, Sabrin
Mario, Africa, Dani, Pepe

4º Thanksgiving drama play

4th Grade students performed a drama play about Thanksgiving in the class divided in different groups.These are the videos:

4ºA Neva, Noara, Sire, Jorge, Isabel Alex, Unai, Mario, Laura , Carlota  Alexandra, Adriana, Martina, Marcos, Ricardo, Lara Ivan, Carla, Claudia, Omar, Fiorella

Diego,Jorge, Saray, Lizara, Alonso  Elsa, Nora, Sergiu, Hugo, German, Daniela  Ivan,Adriana, Leyli, Pedro , Daniela Ayana, Izan, Julieta, Jaded, Fran, Enol

5º The Tunnel drama play

In Literacy, the students worked this great story, The Tunnel by Anthony Browne and in Oral Communication classes we rehearsed and then performed our  drama play.

Adrian, Julia, Iván, Elena 
Daniel, Alex, Martína, Lucia
Sofia, Iván , Jon
Lizer, Noa, Senda
Paula, Adrian, Iker

 Martín, Adriana, Alex
Dani, Mateo S. Zaida
Patricia, Mateo el W, Diego
Carmen, Asier, Aaron, Ulla
Alex, Sergio, Sasha, Valeria
Hector, Delia, Leonel
Angela, Miguel, Pablo, 
Sheila, Samuel, Iker
Sheila, Maritna, Ibón
Pablo, Luis, Candela
Nico. Israel, Lara

Pablo, Ulises, Carla
 Leyre, Ruben, Mateo
Laura, Yago, Nico
Elitsa, Iván, Ibai
Alba, Aimar, Lucas
Blanca, Yago, Abraham
Rodrigo, Santi, Lucia, Patricia

6º Noisy Neighbours drama play

The students in 6th grade learnt, rehearsed and then performed a short drama play called Noisy Neighbours. Here are the videos :


Alex, Carlos and Elba
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Jaime, Aser, Dani
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Paola, Alan, Nico
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Elena Spasova, Dani, 
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Mario, Elena Sachez and Mónica
Scene 1,2 and 3


Rocio,Iria and Iris
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Jon, José, Iris
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Martín, Dani, Fran
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Sira, Celia, Abril
Scene 2
Scene 3

Alex, David
Scene 1
Scene 2 There has been a problem with scene 2 and I couldn´t upload it
Scene 3


Adriana, Yari, Carmen

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Ona, Yari, Alicia
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Claudia, Alma, Alicia
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Derek, Javi, Adriana
Scene 1

Isma, Miguel, Adriana
Scene 1

Jorge, Bruno, Iker
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3